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Today is the day when you will find out about the latest news from the computer programming world. It’s not surprising that people who decide to dedicate their lives to solving the mysteries of coding sometimes seem to be more excited about that ephemeral reality than the one we are living in. However, it takes a lot of time and efforts to get your head around some of the most important aspects of programming. Sometimes it can be quite challenging.
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Get a Map of Your Brain with the New Algorithm

If we would to map the brain of our editor, there would definitely be a big town Stressville with streets like “This article sucks” and “I wish to unsee all of this”. On a serious note though, there has been a real breakthrough in the way we used to
map a human brain. Needless to say that it is not an easy task to do. To give you an idea of how difficult it is, it took more than ten years for scientists to map a brain of a worm that has only 302 neurons. A human brain has over 100 billion neurons. Thanks to the team from the Washington State University, the humanity managed to find the way that will not take ages to cope with this task.
They have developed a computer algorithm that can show the same level of accuracy in mapping a human brain as people. The researchers came up with an artificial neural network that copies humans’ neural networks. Up until now, the scientists had to analyze one brain image at a time to describe particular neurons and their functions. With this new method, a computer can analyze an image as a whole and speed up the process. This discovery might be able to help the scientists to find the effective methods to conquer such diseases as Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism in the future.
Robots Can Finally Understand Us

You have probably seen those hilarious videos where robots try to follow the instructions of people but fail. They fall, slip and create a total mess. There definitely is a room for improvement. Hopefully, robots will become more productive in the nearest future and the scientists from Brown University have contributed hugely to this problem. With the newly developed software system, robots can now
understand the spoken instructions much better. And we are talking not only about some simple commands like “go straight” but also more abstract ones.
The instructions we can give to a robot have different levels of abstraction. While some of them are more comprehensive, others can cause some serious misunderstandings. The new software adds a more sophisticated aspect to the deciphering the messages people give to robots. The researchers analyzed the types of words people are more likely to use giving particular instructions to robots and created a new algorithm to train the robotic systems. The humanity has made another step forward in turning robots into helpful partners. Soon enough you might be able to ask a robot go to a supermarket and buy some snacks for you.
Robots Can Also Teach You to Code

It’s never too early to start coding. This is what the creators of a charming robot Cozmo must have been thinking when developing
a new app that now lets children learn some basics of coding. At first, only professional roboticists could make Cozmo do some basics things like setting an alarm clock. But then, the company thought that they can target to the audience that is less experienced in coding. They had to translate the initial code from code from Python to Scratch – a language developed by MIT for elementary and middle schools. Using the blocks of code, kids can make this adorable robot follow their instructions. With some time, they will be able to go from the basics to more sophisticated coding languages like Python and C++.
Accurate Diagnosis Based on Your Instagram Photos

With the help of machine learning and a new computational algorithm, it soon will be possible to
diagnose depression looking only on the photos from a person’s Instagram profile. The most impressive point is that the computers are right with their diagnosis in 70% of cases versus only 42% correct diagnosing by general-practice doctors. The algorithm uses data on the brightness of a photo, its shades, and filters a person uses. Some of the filters are more often used when people do not feel happy and excited. The photos would then look almost colorless and faded. This new approach can be a helpful tool in increasing the rate of the correct diagnosing process. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the more chances there are to cure a person of a mental illness.
Enough of Programming for Today
That’s all of the exciting news we’ve managed to find for you this week. The takeaways for you are that the world of robotics is developing very fast and that the earlier you start to learn how to code the better. The future will definitely bring us some ethical problems in regards to the artificial intelligence issues. At the same time, without AI our scientific approaches would lose a lot. Do not underestimate the role of coding in the modern world. It is not only used to hack social profiles and develop scams with online payment accounts. Stay tuned for the next week digest we prepare for you and drop by. Cheers!