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Hi there! We are glad to see you again in our small group of science aficionados. This week we’ll be talking about physics. Usually, kids at schools and colleges get bombarded with formulas and definitions that are difficult to understand. But there is so much more to every scientific subject that it would be a crime not to share the most interesting facts with you. We know how discouraging it may be to spend hours solving problems from your homework. Use our
physics homework assignment help to cope with the boring tasks faster and have some additional time to read about really exciting things.
Babylonians Rule

The next time you will be struggling with the trigonometry formulas, think about the
recent discovery of UNSW Sydney scientists. As it turns out, Greeks were not the first ones to study trigonometry. The scientists have solved the mystery of the famous 3700-year Babylonian tablet called Plimpton 322 (it is really famous, it’s not sarcasm). It’s hard to believe but the tablet is nothing else but the first trigonometric table. The ancient tribes might have used it for building temples and palaces. A fascinating thing about the tablet is that it describes a new kind of trigonometry that relies on ratios rather than angles and circles.
The Babylonians left many unsolved puzzles as their heritage to us. If we look closer to the tablets from the past, we might discover some novel approaches to using well-known formulas. As you know, trigonometry is widely used in physics, especially in dynamics, vectors, kinematics. A new discovery can improve the existing calculation methods and present some innovative solutions the humanity. So, don’t forget to check the news from the ancient Babylonian culture from time to time.
The Balloon Mystery

If you’ve never rubbed a balloon on your hair, you’ve never had a fun childhood. A balloon hanging from the ceiling because of some sort of magic brings all the children real excitement. The researchers from
Case Western Reserve University decided to finally find the reason why it happens and uncover the mysteries of triboelectric charging (or static electricity as we call it). The research showed that small holes and cracks caused by straining a material are the main charging factors. It is all about the change in the microstructure of a material.
But don’t think that the scientists are doing some pointless research just for fun. A balloon is merely an example of triboelectric charging as it is a wide spread phenomenon in our world. The results of this research can lead to the minimization of accidents of coal dust explosions in mines, for example. A better understanding of the process can help create charged agricultural pesticides that stick better to plants. Some day you will be grateful to the scientists for coming up with the method of making your spray tan stick to your skin better.
Magnetic Field of the Galaxies

It’s time to leave our boring earthly world and talk about the Universe. Using gigantic cosmic lens, the scientists finally got a chance to
measure the magnetic field of a distant galaxy five billion light-years away from our planet. Now they have made a huge step forward to solving the mystery of the magnetic fields’ origin. The age of this galaxy makes it possible for the researchers to see the processes that took place when our Universe was still young and compare them to the picture we see today by observing our Sun and nearby galaxies. The cause of a magnetic field can be a rotating dynamo effect but there are also other options. To know the answer to the question for sure, we need to go even more back in time to make the measurements of the magnetic fields of more older galaxies. This information will help us have a clearer understanding of the evolution of the galaxies.
Self-Healing Effect

Thanks to the researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), we may have been on the right way to developing tires that heal themselves. They’ve discovered an
innovative type of rubber that has the same features as the ordinary one except for the self-healing effect. To make this great development possible, the researchers had to come up with the way of making polymer connecting bonds reversible. It means that if a bond breaks, it would be able to reform. The plan was to mix covalent and reversible bonds to make a tough rubber have the desired effect. The result was the invention of a hybrid rubber that had the necessary features.
Now we’ll have to wait to see what ways of monetization will the scientists choose. They have already sent the patent request and are looking for the right opportunity to come. Who knows, maybe in a decade from now we will be surrounded by the self-healing materials including our skin. The future is full of surprises.
This is it for today
That’s how exciting August was. It brought many discoveries to the world of physics and we’ll just have to wait for more to come. If you have come across an interesting news story and would like to share it, please don’t hesitate to do so in the comments section. We’ll come back with our weekly digest next week, so stay tuned. May the four types of forces (strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational) be with you!