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Dissecting a frog during a biology class might be the most exciting piece of information about the whole biology course for a student. That is mostly due to the fact that no one pays any attention to the boring scientific articles that pop up every month. It is difficult to understand what is the main idea and how can the new findings help an average person. Well, from now on you have a great opportunity to get regular updates from the world of science thanks to our weekly digests. We promise they will not be boring. This one is all about interesting biology facts that get us closer to understanding the way the world around us functions. The next time you go to a biology class, you will have something fascinating to talk about with your teacher. And in case you have some difficulties with doing your homework, use our biology assignment help.Why dogs run faster than elephants
If we think logically, the bigger the animal, the more energy it has and the faster it should be. But then how do you explain that a dog can catch up and surpass the speed of an elephant? It seems to go against the laws of nature as a dog’s paws are shorter and it should have less strength in the muscles. According to this infographic, the discussed pattern is not consistent and the interdependence between the speed and the size starts to fail at some point:
Why are eggs egg-shaped
Don’t tell us that you’ve never asked yourself this question while making a breakfast. We all have. Finally, we all can relax after reading this article in the Science magazine. Mary Caswell Stoddard, an evolutionary biologist from the Princeton University, decided to solve this mystery. She and her colleagues uploaded over 1500 photos of various types of eggs of 37 bird orders into the computer. Her assumption was that one can model the shape of an egg using only two parameters – inner pressure and membrane’s thickness.
The fascinating life of ants
Why would you bother reading about ants, right? They are so small and stupid that it is not worth a minute of your time. But do not jump to conclusions just yet. If you compare a human’s brain with that of an ant, the latter one would be much smaller, that’s for sure. Can you imagine how hard it must be for an ant to think using that brain? Especially when you know that the size of neurons is the same in both a human’s and ant’s brains. But still, ants solve some of the problems the same way a normal human being would.
To wag or not to wag the tail?
If you own a dog, the chances are it wags the tail every time it sees you. Why are dogs so nice to people? And how come some dogs are nicer than others? The recent article explains what gene is responsible for domestic dogs being so cute and hypersociable with people unlike wolves, for example. Two researchers from the U.S. – Bridgett M. von Holdt and Monique A. R. Udell – designed some tests to discover the readiness of dogs and domesticated wolves to cooperate and interact with people. 18 dogs and 10 wolves took part in the research. The challenge was to find that gene that makes these animals more or less friendly. Selecting random genes and testing them does not seem to be an effective approach to the researchers.